10th Annual BuddCup A Success!


That was a blast!

We had over 65 on 6 teams compete for the BuddCup, along with many participating in our new Skills Competitions.  Many more came out to watch, support our cause and have a good look at some amazing costumes.

Kudos to “Give The Dodge A Bone” for winning the tournament, “Back To The 80’s” for winning best team costume, and Alexis Budd and Heidi Marcon for winning best individual Male and Female costumes.  Head to our photos section to see all the great costumes.

After collecting our admission fees, plus proceeds from the draw and silent auction, we raised over $2500 for the Alzheimer’s Society Of Toronto. Now we’re back to the drawing board, thinking about how we can make our event even better.  See you in 2017.